Sovereign Pumps

Provider Of Dewatering Pumps

Sovereign Pumps

in Pumping Industry Since 50 Yrs

Sovereign Pumps

ISO 9001:2015, CE, IP 68

Spares and Accessories

Upper Bracket
Upper Bracket

Upper Bracket is integral part of pump which has water dam area for power cable joints / connections chamber and discharge outlet

Outer Body
Outer Body

Outer Body acts as a Jacket in dissipating and guide the water from the pump.

Inner Body
Inner Body

Inner body is an integral part of the pump which holds motor winding.


Rotor is a mechanical part which transfer electrical energy to mechanical energy in continues rotation form.

Mechanical Seal
Mechanical Seal

Mechanical seal is a heart of pumps, which protect motor winding from insertion of water into motor body.

Wear Plate or Pressure Plate
Wear Plate / Pressure Plate

Wear plate helps in protecting the oil bag and oil chamber from entry of any foreign particles.

Oil Bag
Oil Bag

This is a pressure tight oil container for mechanical seal to increase the life of mechanical seal and also provide continues oil for lubrication to mechanical seals.


Impeller is a rotating part of pump, it transfers energy from the motor that drives the pump to pump the fluid by accelerating the fluid radially outwards from the center of rotation.

Cable Assembly
Cable Assembly

A pump control panel manages the power components that control the pump motor.